Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas

I know that out of everyone who follows this blog, it is my parents and family who keep their eye on it the most.  At the risk of sounding cliché, if it wasn't for my family's support I would not have been able to live so freely as an adult nor would I have been able to have such a unique experience as living abroad.  I am indebted to them for a life well raised.

If you hadn't guessed this is one of those Christmas blogs mainly aimed at my family because this is the first time I will be away from my family during the holiday season.  So...the rest is a personal message from me to my family.

I can't be with you at home over Christmas, so let this be a homage to the experiences that I have been blessed with and my addition to the seasonal spirits...

Me, the education provider (playing pinball on the PC during my break)

Little Evans.  Bright kid.
Preparing for Christmas.

The little ones.  Jim and Alex are such attention seekers.

Dimitra, Billy Boy and Alex.

Me and the boys.

Alex was tired...

George and I - post-coffee by the sea.

Timos in the studio.

Marianna, George, Me, Venia and Helen.  The younger ones all took exams, so fingers crossed!

Menidi... my favourite place.

The 'Epiphany' Class.

The not-so-angelic angels.

Petro and Maria.
Vasoula and Marianthi
Helen and I.

Me, Alex and Billy Boy (from last year)

Chris, Timos, Me and Venia (before their exams)

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Flights of Icarus Update

It is always horrible to admit to yourself that you have put something important on the shelf, but I have not been giving my book my full attention of late.  Instead, I have been writing bits and bobs and gradually building the image.  I must make time to sit at my laptop and tap away for an hour or two very soon.

One good thing that has arisen from my bits and bobbery is that I have given one of my characters a new lease on life. Originally designed as the comic relief of the story (which is very much needed, may I add), he is also a personality and has become an important vehicle for my the progression.  Sometimes it is important to see characters as tools and constructs.

Over the next week, I may post up a short chapter of my book to see what people think of it.  I hope that I can get some feedback. 

If you are interested in proof reading sections of my book do not be afraid to get in touch with me at jonathan.a.keeling@gmail.com

I will leave you with my song of the moment

Mid-week reminder. What do you make of this question? A new discussion has been posted on our Facebook page. Get involved!

via Today I Change https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=617375954966530&set=a.615833911787401.1073741828.516110198426440&type=1

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Real Talk: Christmas Draws Near

Last night I was visited by three ghosts.  The first was 'the Ghost of Christmas Swag', who blinded me with ethereal Reebok classics and MC Devo impressions.  At this, I rolled over and ignored the other two ghosts.  The last ghost may have been the innocent spirit of Jeremy Kyle's lost innocence asking me to slay the demon, but I will never know.

It's that time already.  Stocking filling and time to doll up your houses as if you are entering them in a pageant.  That's right! It's yuletide advent season all across the globe (predominantly Christian-based), and everyone is getting a bit excited.  The time has come for that infamous Coca-Cola advert which gave Santa his change of costume - I haven't seen it, but apparently it was on at some time in October, bringing joy to the hearts of many and just that much more Cola in their tummy-tums.

It's almost Christmas time, y'all! Don your Scandinavian knitwear and hug a Cliff Richard in need as the magic will be on your doorsteps before long.

This year I have decided to remain in Greece to observe their customs and traditions of the festive period.  In no way do I believe it will be too far from different to the one that I am used to, however, the branch of Christianity in Arta is far different from the branch that I am used to.

Cherish your loved ones in this period. Actually - scrap that.  Always cherish them.  Christmas should not be a holiday demanding the closeness of relatives that would otherwise not communicate.  This idea feels a bit shallow.  Countless time I have heard folk complain about seeing their relatives over the Christmas period.  Why bother seeing them at all if you don't like them?  Does Christmas bring those forced smiles of plastic joy.  It doesn't sit right with me.  If you don't like 'em, cast 'em away!  Don't waste your energy and their time on something not heart-felt.  Give people the real stuff.  That fuzzy shid that resided deep within the belly of the stingiest miser.  You know the stuff.  It tastes like butterscotch and brings colour to the darkest day.  No.  Not LSD.  Get your head out of that place... seriously!

Over the Christmas period, I assure you that my thoughts will mainly be of home.  This will be my first Christmas away from my family and it feels pretty strange, as well as exciting.  Hopefully, I will have a lot of things to document over the holidays.

In other news, today brings us the selection of the Groups Stage of the World Cup in Brazil next Summer.  I may have to make a small comment on this at some point soon!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Today I...Expand

Just a little update.

I am publishing a Facebook page today.  It will stand as a different entity to this blog - although it will fall under the same name.  Mainly offering discussion topics and will involve different writers.

If anyone is interested in being a content creator or would like to offer topic subjects please email me at:


Check out the facebook page here!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Today I...Stand Tall

Basically, this little post is purely a promotional gambit for my friend's business, 'Stand Tall Clothing'.  In a second wind effort, my good friend Matt Fletcher (DJ Felch to his friends) has decided to restart his old brand, Stand Tall.

I have one of the original T-Shirts from this line and love it. His operation is based in China, where he currently works.  I know I have a few faithful readers out there in the USA, Russia and all over the world, so if you are interested in buying into new labels and wearing brands that aren't so renowned, keep your eye on this space.


If - in future - you do decide to order from Stand Tall Clothing, tell him I sent you!


On another note, I will try to produce more light-hearted and poignant material in the future month, seeing as though Christmas is just around the corner.  I also need to find a new way to promote this blog as my current avenues have been narrowed somewhat.  So, if you like what you read...tell a chum.

Better blogs to come and κάλο μήνα!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Real Talk: Ian Watkins

Jumping onto the bandwagon, it is an utter disgusting story that deserves the media exposure it currently has.  Everybody involved is deserving of nothing more than removal from society for being a part of this scandal.

What I find most disgusting is that the man was so removed from reality (most likely due to his commercial success) that he even had the nerve to create a music video in which he played the role of a children's TV show host.  A truly maniacal action of a man who must have been under the impression that he was untouchable; a God in his own mind.

For this example of heathenish disregard of humanity, atop of the events surrounding the case, should he be chastised to an astronomical degree. He has acted as if he was above what we now see as civilisation.  I simply cannot believe some of the instances in question.  In no way am I speaking in his defence - I hope that justice will prevail.  It just seeme like the actions of a villain in a very controversial comic book: completely unbelievable.