Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Real Talk: Again...

Well then... here we are! Another piece of inspired writing by yours truly - jacked up on music.

Yeah, one of those tiresome, pretentious pieces!

Just close this if you don't want to read another strongly worded 'how to live better' articles like this, this, this, and this. If not, I hope you find something worthwhile.

Kids In Glass Houses stand as an inspiration to me.
Don't you just love revisiting music that you haven't listened to for a long time. Two days ago I discovered that one of my favourite bands, Kids in Glass Houses, are soon to disband. I am fully aware that many people have a strong dislike for this artist in particular, but, for me, they stand as a firm inspiration. Let me tell you why!

In my opinion, Kids in Glass Houses produce honest music which has a lot of character. The music is not extravagantly composed - there are no face-melting solos for example. The majority of their music is non-offensive upbeat stuff. If truth be told, I have found the vocals to be an acquired taste, but the way in which Aled Phillips pours his heart and soul into every word such as Annie May, more than compensates for this. Their stuff has heart, and you can feel it, wholeheartedly.

The reason why I find this music so inspirational is that in my eyes their success if based on their talent in songwriting, not sex appeal and not having perfect vocals or by saturating their music with anything in particular. There is a certain brilliance to be found in imperfection, a raw passion; the real stuff. As mentioned countless times before, I see myself as a songwriter; it's what I love doing. However, I do not possess a voice touched by an angel. It is more of a voice likened to a hippopotamus' squashed bollock. But I can live with this, because the music I create brings me happiness and one day I hope to share this happiness and the sentiments with others in a similar way as the likes of Kids in Glass Houses have. Don't get me wrong, I know that success is unlikely, I am merely stating that I hope to make music that people will reflect upon and be inspired. If one person is inspired, then the mission is complete.

As well as being a musical inspiration to me, I draw strength from Aled's lyrics. For instance:

'Stop wishing for the sunshine; start living in the rain.' - Sunshine.

This is a lyric to live by. I know that, generally, I intend to. Stop wishing for the sunshine; start living in the rain! What inspirational words! I interpret these words as telling people to stop waiting for opportunity to come by chance and take the hard route to success; just dig deep and make it for yourself. 

I take these words to heart. I know that I am not a person with extreme talent, but I do find that I improve, as a person, through creativity. I will never rise to the top and become the next Freddie Mercury, but nobody can tell me what my passion is and what I want to do with it.

Every success was once a goal.

As Kids in Glass Houses would say, The Best is Yet to Come...but only if you are willing to make sacrifices for it to do so!

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